10 universal method to root your device

 good evening, guess i haven't wish everyone here HAPPY NEW YEAR, lol, i just did.

 Nowadays, rooting of android smartphones seems to be a little bit compulsory compared to it's advantage after rooting.
In this post, I would be dropping most common rooting process and devices it work perfectly on (to get your device rooted), so feel free to make use of any method incase the first one you tried didn't work for you. 

Before you read further, let me explain to you  the advantages and disadvantages in rooting your android smartphone, then after reading through, it would be left for you to decide if to root it or not.


Advantages of rooting your android device:

- It also helps to freeup memory

- It runs special application, especially those in HD grafix and also much more beneficial apps that works on rooted device only

- It's also an advantage in terms of custom roms by speeding up the processing speed of your android smartphone.

Disadvantages of rooting your device:

- It voids your device warranty

- It involve the risk of bricking your device.

guess you know the adv and disadvantages of rooting your device,if you've made your choice then continue reading.
you can always stay turned (subscribe to our blog feed) for post on how to un-bricked your device .


***How to root Tecno F6, H3, H6, L7, P9(4.4), Phantom Z (A7)***

1. Download Kingroot 
2. Install the app on the phone 
3. Ensure you have an internet connection on the phone then launch the app 
4. Wait for all checks to be complete 
5. Click the center button (with Root and some Chinese texts inscribed on it) to begin rooting 
6. Wait for rooting to complete 
7. You should see a green tick to confirm that rooting was successful

1.  How to root Tecno D9, Phantom pad II (G9

1. Download Root Master 
2. Install it on the phone 
3. Ensure you have an active internet connection then launch it 
4. Click the Root button 
5. Give it a few seconds and your phone should now be rooted


First download usb driver for galaxy Note 3 to backup your files....

Get the appropriate file for your Note 3 model, which can be checked from Settings>About phone>Phone identity>Model number, then select the compatible one for you device from the below:
SM-N900 (International Exynos): CF-Auto-Root-ha3g-ha3gxx- smn900.zip
SM-N9005 (International Qualcomm): CF-Auto-Root-hlte-hltexx- smn9005.zip
SM-N900T (T-Mobile US): CF-Auto-Root-hltetmo-hltetmo- smn900t.zip
SM-N900S (untested): CF-Auto-Root-hlteskt-hlteskt- smn900s.zip
SM-N900W8 (untested): CF-Auto-Root-hltecan-hlteub- smn900w8.zip
SM-N9002: CF-Auto-Root-hlte-h3gduoszn-smn9002.zip
SM-N9006 (untested): CF-Auto-Root-hlte-h3gzc-smn9006.zip
SM-N9008 (untested): CF-Auto-Root-hlte-h3gzm-smn9008.zip
SM-N9009 (untested): CF-Auto-Root-hlte-h3gduosctc- smn9009.zip

- Download and unzip the respectiveCF-Auto-Root-....zip file for your device
- If you end up with arecovery.imgandcache.imgfile, you've extracted twice. You need to end up with a.tar.md5 file - don't extract that one
- (USB) Disconnect your phone from your computer
- Start Odin3-vX.X.exe
- Click the PDA button, and selectCF-Auto-Root-....tar.md5
- Put your phone indownloadmode (turn off phone, then hold VolDown+Home+Powerto boot - if it asks you to press a button to continue, press the listed button, or runadb reboot downloadcommand)
- (USB) Connect the phone to your computer
- Make sureRepartitionisNOTchecked
- Click the Start button
- Wait for Android to boot...


=> Internet connection on PC and your gionee P2, Rooting tools and drivers.
=> links to usb drivers: pdanet.exe
=> Motochopper: MOTOCHOPPER

Enable usb debugging in developer mode
1. Install the USB drivers to your computer, during the installation when you get a dialogbox requesting for device type Select ‘OTHERS’ and connect your phone to the PC then click on next until installation is complete
2.Extract the content of ‘motochopper.zip’ to your desktop and execute the ‘run.bat’ file the file will guide you through the rest of the process.


Follow the below steps...
1. Download One Click Root
2.Connect your Opsson D1 to the computer using your Micro-USB/USB cord
3. Enable USB Debugging mode for your device
*.Go to your Settings App
*.Go to Applications
*.Go to Development
*.Place a Check Mark on the box beside USB Debugging / Android Debugging
4.Run One Click Root software than click 'Root Now'


1. Download Easy Rooting Toolkit and extract the zip: DooMLoRD_Easy-Rooting- Toolkit_v17_perf-event-exploit.zip2.Download and install latest Sony USB Drivers on your computer: Download3.Turn on USB Debuggingon your device
4.Also, turn on Unknown Sources option from device Settings> Security>
5.Go to display settings and increase screen timeout to 15 minutes.
6. Connect your phone to computer via USB cable.
7. Now open the Easy Rooting Toolkit folder and double click the“runme”batch file depending on the OS of your computer. For example, if you are a Windows user, click on“runme_win.bat”file.
8. You will then see a cmd window, asking you to press any key.
9. Just obey it blindly and it will run the rooting script that will push SuperSU and Busybox into your device.
Your Xperia device should now be rooted. This works on almost all Xperia device, below is the list of Xperia device this root method is tested on:

*.Xperia Z (C6602/3) {FW: 10.3.A.0.423} [v16 onwards]
*.Xperia Z (C6602/3) {FW: 10.1.1.A.1.307} [v10 onwards]
*.Xperia Z (C6616) {FW: 10.1.1.A.1.319} [Bell Canada] [v19a]
*.Xperia Z (C6606) {FW: 10.1.1.B.0.1.166} [v17 onwards]
*.Xperia ZL (C6503) {FW: 10.3.A.0.423} [v12 onwards]
*.Xperia ZR (M35h) {FW: 10.1.1.A.1.317} [v17 onwards]
*.Xperia ZR (C5502/C5503) {FW: 10.1.1.A.1.317} [v16 onwards]
*.Xperia Tablet Z (SGP311/2) {FW: 10.1.C.0.370} [v13 onwards]
*.Xperia Tablet Z (SGP321) {FW: 10.1.1.A.1.307} [v13 onwards]
*.Xperia SP (C5302) {FW: 12.0.A.1.284} [v11 onwards]
*.Xperia SP (C5302/3/6) {FW: 12.0.A.1.211/257} [v16 onwards]
*.Xperia T (LT30p) {FW: 9.1.A.1.141} [v13 onwards]
*.Xperia T (LT30p) {FW: 9.1.A.1.142} (added by the_laser) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia TX (LT29i) {FW: 9.1.B.1.67} (added by sj8023ld) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia TX (LT29i) {FW: 9.1.B.0.411} (added by fi01) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia V (LT25i) {FW: 9.1.A.1.140/142} (added by the_laser) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia V (LT25i) {FW: 9.1.A.1.145} [v16 onwards]
*.Xperia Ion (LT28h) {FW: 6.2.B.0.211} [v16 onwards]
*.Xperia S (LT26i) {FW: 6.2.B.0.211} [v10 onwards]
*.Xperia S (LT26i) {FW: 6.2.B.0.200} [v16 onwards]
*.Xperia SL (LT26ii) {FW: 6.2.B.0.200} [v17 onwards]
*.Xperia SL (LT26ii) {FW: 6.2.B.0.211} (added by the_laser) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia Acro S (LT26w) {FW: 6.2.B.0.200} [v13 onwards]
*.Xperia Acro S (LT26w) {FW: 6.2.B.0.211} [v16 onwards] [FIXED]
*.Xperia P (LT22i) {FW: 6.2.A.1.100} (added by the_laser) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia Go (ST27i) {FW: 6.2.A.1.100} (added by the_laser) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia Go (ST27a) {FW: 6.2.A.1.100} (added by DooMLoRD, untested) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia J (ST26a/i) {FW: 11.2.A.0.21/31} (added by DooMLoRD, untested) [v17 onwards]
*.Xperia L (C2104/5) {FW: 15.0.A.1.31/36} (added by DooMLoRD, untested) [v17 onwards]
*.Xperia AX (SO-01E) {FW: 9.1.C.0.473} (added by fi01) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia Z (SO-02E) {FW: 10.1.D.0.343} (added by fi01) [v14 onwards]
*.Tablet Z (SO-03E) {FW: 10.1.E.0.265/269}(added by fi01) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia GX (SO-04D) {FW: 7.0.D.1.137} (added by fi01) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia A (SO-04E) {FW: 10.1.1.D.0.179} (added by fi01) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia A (SO-04E) {FW: 10.1.1.D.2.26} [v16 onwards]
*.Xperia SX (SO-05D) {FW: 7.0.D.1.137} (added by fi01) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia VL (SOL21) {FW: 9.1.D.0.395} (added by fi01) [v14 onwards]
*.Xperia VL (SOL21) {FW: 9.0.F.0.226} [v16 onwards]
*.Xperia VL (SOL21) {FW: 9.1.D.0.401} [v16 onwards]
*.Xperia UL (SOL22) {FW: 10.2.F.3.43} (added by fi01) [v14 onwards]


 Follow the below procedure

1. Download the necessary rootpackage here.
2. Copy the downloaded update.zip file to the top folder of the microSD card –do not extract it.
3. If plugged in, unplug the handset from the PC and turn it off.
4. Put it into recovery mode – to do this, press and hold the volume up key + homekey (the middle buttonon the frontof your device) and press the power button until it goes into recovery mode.
5. Select Apply update from SD card and locate the update.zip file you copied to the microSD card. Press the volume up or down to navigate and then the power buttonto select the option.
6. Let the rooting process complete. When done, select Reboot system now to restart the device.
Your Galaxy Y should now be rooted!!


Download the LG drivers and install them onto your PC (if you haven’t done so already). The LG USB drivers can be found at this link.

=> Your LG Optimus F3 needs to be in USB debugging mode. Go to Settings, then Developer options, and then check the 
      box that says USB debugging.
=> Have your micro USB cable handy.
=> Download the root package, and extract it to a folder onto the desktop of your PC. Title the folder ‘motochopper’. The  
      root package can be found by following this link.

How To Root LG Optimus F3

Plug your LG Optimus F3 to your PC using your micro USBcable.
Check that you have USB debugging enabled.
Navigate to the ‘motochopper’ folder in which you extracted the root page to on your Desktop.
Inside the ‘motochopper’ folder, find a file named run.bat and execute it.
Select normal mode, and follow all the instructions that run.bat tells you. Be extra careful and read every detail.
After run.bat finishes what it’s doing on your LG Optimus F3 Plus you’ll have root!


=> Enter framaroot app then click on bromir a prompt message will appear telling you have successfully root phone you need to reboot system.
=>  Now reboot your device
then its done..


=>  First download PDAnet+ Here (It's the driver for techno phamtom, Install it on your PC)
=> Then Download Vroot Here.

Make sure your techno A3 is connected during this procedures above.... Thouth the Vroot is in chinese, you would see root, click on it and wait, then you would know when your device is successfully rooted

  10.  How TO ROOT TECNO Phantom A,  A+ , A2, B3, S7, S9 and D3

 * Download Eroot 
*Download PdaNet 
Enable USB debugging on the phone (Settings > Developer > Tick USB Debugging) 
* Connect the phone to the PC then install PdaNet, you should get a "Drivers successfully installed" message at the end of installation
 * Launch Eroot 
* A root button will appear. If it doesn't, close the PdaNet running from your system tray. 
* Click on the root button and your phone will be rooted in 10 seconds.

NOTE:  Download Root checker to verify if your phone is rooted or not.

incase none of the methods work for  your device, drop the device name/model and lets find a perfect method for it.

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