good day everyone, guess its been a while now just going through some hard time,will be back on my feet sooner. even Though this is not new but I decided to test the authenticity before bringing it up online. This allow you to activate this smartphone offer of
100% free bonus of 250mb data with free whatsapp subscription for 6months on your MTN line.
In order words, it means if you succeeded in getting on with this, you’ll enjoy free whatsapp for good 6months.

How To Activate and get Free mb n whatsapp on Your MTN Line
==>Get an andriod device MTK preferably.
==>Tweak your MTN sim1 IMEI using the
35736006. If you are new to this IMEI tweaking,
Click here to see how to tweak your IMEI
==> add 6 numbers of your choice to it
==>The last digit is crucial for the validity of your tweaked IMEI. So to get the last digit, download imei analyser from playstore or follow this link here
==> Enter the 14 digit IMEI in the space provided and click on Check, it will provide you with the last digit.
read also: mtnbetterme: better me data bundle for 2015 get 2GB For 2k
==> If you are using the IMEI analyzer,enter the 14 digit IMEI in the space provided and click on analyze. Whatever digit that display is your last
digit. E.g 35736006102145
==>Tweak the imei into your phone. if you are new to imei tweaking click here
==>Reboot your phone and send FREE to 131 .
After then you account will be activated… if you get not eligible, tweak your imei again.
You can also get free 2GB from Airtel by tweaking the below imei.
How to Get 2GB From Airtel NG
==>Copy this 12 digits 869878000165
==>Add any 2 digits of your choice, and repeat the step one above to get the last digits,
==>Tweak it to your phone
==>Send 3G to 141 and 2GB will be at your disposal.
enjoy while it last ,cos its still blazing hot.
100% free bonus of 250mb data with free whatsapp subscription for 6months on your MTN line.
In order words, it means if you succeeded in getting on with this, you’ll enjoy free whatsapp for good 6months.

How To Activate and get Free mb n whatsapp on Your MTN Line
==>Get an andriod device MTK preferably.
==>Tweak your MTN sim1 IMEI using the
35736006. If you are new to this IMEI tweaking,
Click here to see how to tweak your IMEI
==> add 6 numbers of your choice to it
==>The last digit is crucial for the validity of your tweaked IMEI. So to get the last digit, download imei analyser from playstore or follow this link here
==> Enter the 14 digit IMEI in the space provided and click on Check, it will provide you with the last digit.
read also: mtnbetterme: better me data bundle for 2015 get 2GB For 2k
==> If you are using the IMEI analyzer,enter the 14 digit IMEI in the space provided and click on analyze. Whatever digit that display is your last
digit. E.g 35736006102145
==>Tweak the imei into your phone. if you are new to imei tweaking click here
==>Reboot your phone and send FREE to 131 .
After then you account will be activated… if you get not eligible, tweak your imei again.
You can also get free 2GB from Airtel by tweaking the below imei.
How to Get 2GB From Airtel NG
==>Copy this 12 digits 869878000165
==>Add any 2 digits of your choice, and repeat the step one above to get the last digits,
==>Tweak it to your phone
==>Send 3G to 141 and 2GB will be at your disposal.
enjoy while it last ,cos its still blazing hot.
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