HOT! New Method To Browse Unlimitedly With MTN For 7 Days (No Tweaking)

Being the fact that over the last few months, MTN free browsing had all depended solely on Imei tweaking, even the last one of Infinix hot 2 imei. Making it tough for you all to browse free since this networks somehow found a way to frustrate people by making you tweak endlessly before getting free megabytes. Am pleased to bring the New method to browse free unlimitedly with MTN for 7days

The new method doesn't involve imei tweaking, eligibility and as well as MB. Its just browse till mama calls with simple server. So am pretty sure you will all like it. Because it works on both Android and PC.

How To Get The MTN Free Browsing

Text ENTER to 7801. You will receive a message like the one below

We are pleased to you! As an exclusive member, you have a fun week ahead: browse for 7 days and download 10 games! (Valid for 1 week).

How To Browse Unlimitedly With It

For Android With Simple server
==>1. After getting the above message, Just go to your Android Phone settings and create a new access point with

Port: 8080==>2. Now Open Simple Android Server and set as given below.
 Download it Here if you don't have it Installed already.

Injection query/Url :
Injection host :
Injection line : Enter Key ‘4 times’==>That's all you can now start browsing. 
To power all Apps use Autoproxy or Proxydroid.

For PC Using Simple Server

==>After getting the above message, Open your simple server folder on pc. Then open the Simple server config File in Text format and set as given below.

Change VALHDR0 = ''
==>After that, open Firfox browser on PC and click on Option => Advanced => Network => Settings. Then Tick Manual Settings And Insert

HTTP Proxy:
Port: 8080==>Now you can start browsing till 7days comes knocking.

After the 7days, you will be charged N100 to activate it the following week. To stop auto renewal, text STOPENTER to 7801.

To those using iPhones, lumia or windows phone am really sorry your time will soon come. The above should work for symbian phones using simple server if you know how to set it up. If it works for you kindly leave a comment.

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