HOT! Enjoy Unlimited calls on Mtn

I knew some people enjoyed the last Mtn to Mtn calls promotion till it was stopped for new subscribers but if you still have the bonus airtime you can still use it till it expires.
Today,I'll tell you the new method to get up to 9600 on your Mtn line for calls

How to get 4800 Mtn to Mtn bonus calls

1. Make sure you don't have more than 50 naira airtime on your line I.e not up to 100naira
2. dial *142*3*1#
3. Then select 1 to subscribe, and select 1 again to activate.

4. This offer last for only a day but their is an option for a week that cost 200 naira.

Check your bonus with *559*4#

NOTE: it was tested and working on sims that received the previous 10 for 10k bonus promo but you can try your luck.

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