#tweakfiesta: get free 250mb on your mtn line, + get up to 40GB on your airtel line

hope you all having a pleasant weekend, just sit down and relax cos you need alot of patience to get this working, i dont mean patience jonathan lol.

dont jump into conclusion that its not working,cos you have to try a number of time cos you are not the only one trying to generate the imei . so you keep trying till you get the one thats un used, like i said earlier "you need alot of patience".

MTN Imei that will give you 250MB atleast to those who don’t really have
much MB left. It will go a long way in saving youout of data

how to get 250mb on mtn

==>Tweak this IMEI 868988012059407 and generate your own changing the last 3 digits
==>After tweaking,
send mifi to 131
and 250MB will be given to you.
You can’t do this thing more than once on a sim… to do more, you need more sims.
Are you new to tweaking? Clickhere to see how to tweak

how to get upto 40GB on airtel

Tweak this and get 20GB Free Airtel
or 86987800071
or 86987800068

Send 3G to 141
The more you tweak it the more you
get more GB. You can get 40GB on
one Airtel Sim,
don't dull yourself guys, its rocking real good.

enjoy while it last,and use the comment box if you encounter any problem.

to learn how to tweak imei + how to generate, CLICKHERE

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  1. please how can i get it urgently,am in Lagos?

  2. Pls, I'm in Lagos, where else can I get this tab aside jumia?

  3. check kaymu for retailers store and addresses

  4. you check kaymu for retailers store and addresses
