Whatsapp made unique : download Updated WhatsApp+ 6.67D (whatsapp plus) with amazing features

Good day everyone, hope you having a great working day, If you don't have this version of whatsapp plus on your device then you are missing something. because it's different from the conventional whatsapp you have installed on your device as this one allow you to customise it to your taste. This version of whatsapp bypasses a lot of limitations not covered by the
one you have installed on your device like the following.

Features of whatsapp plus

=> It bypasses the upload media limit of 16mb, meaning you can upload files more than 16mb. You now
have maximum upload size to 30MB
=> You can increase the quality of pictures sent
=> Hide blue Ticks and Hide the 2nd tick mods... In other words, people won't know that you've read
their messages if you don't want them to
==>Added floating Menu to chats screen and a lot of more bug fixed in this version.
==>Taste and see that this version is good.

How to download whatsapp plus

==>Download it here
or download alternatively torrent file here

How to Install whatsapp plus on your device

1. Go to your whatsapp>>settings>>Chat settings>>Press back up conversion. (Make sure you backup
your conversation)
2. Go to settings from your device>>Application Manager>WhatsApp >Uninstall but don't clear data
3. Install the new whatsapp plus 6.67D .
After your installation, press restore conversations.
Once you are done, set it, customize, until it suite you taste… I'm eagerly waiting for the free voice call
on WhatsApp to be release any moment from now.
With whatsapp plus on your device, you get your friends jealous with the modification, Making you stand out and unique.

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