For over two months now, Mtn Bis have been blazing flawless on Android phones and tablets. Previously, I published a brief guide on how to use MTN BIS On Pc And Android Via Simple Server. Today's stroll, I would brief you guys on the guide on how to use Mtn Bis on Android phones or tablets via Troid
application.How to Setup MTN Bis to work on Android via TroidVPN
For freshers- First create an account with tunnelguru via here and notify your user name and password.
Then Download Troid Vpn android application from Google playstore or here.
NB- Troid Vpn works perfectly on Android device above version 4.04
Once you have downloaded and installed Troid VPN, then input the below setup.
- Your user name and password
- Then select any free server (for free users) or premium users, select premium servers.
- Then follow the below image for better understanding of the guide.
Recommended: How to use MTN Bis on android via troidvpn
Once you have proceeded the setup, then click 'Advance' and input as the proxy host and 8080 as port. Then input as the header, just as shown in the image below.
Once you are through with the above setup, click save and go back, then click connect.
Advice- Free users have only 100MB allocated to them on daily basis, but premium users have unlimited data allocated to them. You can upgrade your premium account via here. If you have already upgraded your tunnelguru account, you won't need to upgrade again, because tunnelguru and Troid VPN works hand in hand.
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