SHAREit - Fastest Way to Transfer Files, Videos & Photos on Any Device

With the introduction of this application, Bluetooth inter-phone transfer might soon be clear off the mobile market because it does 60x faster what Bluetooth do..

Shareit is the world's fastest way to share photos, apps, videos and more across devices… without network charges or Wi-Fi connection. It eliminates the need for cables to wirelessly transfer information rapidly
between devices – either with friends, or to take your personal content on the go.

Features of Shareit
1. Share everything with other devices – pictures, videos, music files, documents, contacts… even apps (Android only)!
2. Devices with SHAREit can automatically find each other when in range.
3. Transfer HUGE files and videos in seconds… up to 60x faster than Bluetooth®.
4. Share without the need for Bluetooth, phone network or active Wi-Fi network… you don't pay a cent for network charges. Devices wirelessly connect directly.
5. Even the app itself can be shared to other devices wirelessly, and rapid sharing can begin immediately.

Who Can Use Shareit?
==>Every Android users, iPhone users, window users and PC users. Blackberry users are not eligible to use this application except Blackberry 10 devices that has the capacity to accept Android apps.

Where Can I Download this App?
==>For Android download here
==>For iPhone, download here
==>For PC users, download here

I call this application on-the-go transfer because it is faster, better and easier than Bluetooth.

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