UPDATED: How to change HTC imei to blackberry imei

Before you begin, make sure your HTC Android is rooted.
If your phone is already rooted then you can continue with the steps below.

steps to Change IMEI on HTC
==>Download android sdk tools here on your PC.

+=>download flashboot for pc here
+=>then search for flashboot on playstore  and download on your htc device
+=>install in on both your pc and htc device

then follow the procedure below:
==>Go to bootloader by putting off your HTC Phone then power it on while holding the volume down button and it will boot to the
bootloader, connect your phone to your PC with your cable and click on fastboot
- The volume is used to navigate and the power button is used to select your option.

==>From fastboot, click on computer and search “cmd”. It will open the command prompt window.

==>Then type “fastboot getvar imei” it will display your current imei. Type “fastboot oem writeimei 35xxxx” the 35xxx stands for
the blackberry imei u want to use.
U will get a success report.
Now you can reboot your phone and enjoy your new imei.

those complaining of it not working on there device before is because flashboot wasnt installed on your device,so just take note of the corrections and try again.

if you have and issue while trying it out feel free to make use of the comment box,share/like and inform your friends about this tutorial who knows who might desperiately be in need of it.

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  1. Does this work on all htc phones or just htc phones with mediatek processors?

  2. I tried it on ma HTC Desire HD....when I try the write imei command I got an error

    (bootloader) [ERR] Command error!!!
    OKAY [ 0.010s]
    finished. total time: 0.010s
