Etisalat Blackberry 10 Data Bundle AndActivation Code

Etisalat Nigeria New Blackberry 10 Subscription
plan is one of the fastest and most efficient
Blackberry plan in Nigeria today. The new plan
let you access your Blackberry messenger even
without active data plan, this because your
blackberry 10 internet service is not billed only
from your active data plan. The new blackberry
10 comes with a unique browser alongside
intelligent details.
Etisalat Nigeria Blackberry 10 Monthly Plan
Blackberry 10 Lite And Unlimited BBM 260MB
Cost N1000
Activation Code *599*2#. For Sms Activation
Text mlite to 399
Blackberry 10 Mid Plan WIth Unlimited BBM 500MB
Cost N1,500
Activation Code *599*3#. For Sms Activation Text
MMid to 399
Blackberry 10 Max Plan with Unlimited BBM 1536MB
Cost N3,000
Code *599*4# Or Via Sms Send MMax to 399.

Etisalat Nigeria Blackberry 10 Weekly Data Bundle
Plan And Activation Code

Blackberry 10 Lite And Unlimited BBM 70MB
Cost N350
Activation Code *599*2*1#. For Sms Activation
Text wlite to 399
Blackberry 10 Mid Plan WIth Unlimited BBM 125MB
Cost N550
Activation Code *599*3*1#. For Sms Activation
Text WMid to 399
Blackberry 10 Max Plan with Unlimited BBM 360MB
Cost N1,100
Code *599*8# Or Via Sms Send WMax to 399.
Etisalat Nigeria Blackberry 10 Daily Data Bundle
Plan And Activation Code
Blackberry 10 Lite And Unlimited BBM 10MB
Cost N70
Activation Code *599*2*2#. For Sms Activation
Text dlite to 399
Blackberry 10 Mid Plan WIth Unlimited BBM 125MB
Cost N100
Activation Code *599*3*2#. For Sms Activation
Text DMid to 399
Blackberry 10 Max Plan with Unlimited BBM 50MB
Cost N200
Code *599*7# Or Via Sms Send DMax to 399.

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