Before i go into the main purpose of this article i will like to briefly explain what is viruses and spyware. Spyware is a software which automatically collect and gathers information about you, your business through the internet. Spyware is not all that it seems, some people will say its very important that its used in guiding and monitoring the activities of a business or person but the reverse is the case as they use it to steal information on the internet. Here is how spyware works, when you visit a particular websites on the internet, if the owners install spyware in the website, your computer will be infected. just be very careful the website you visit as some of them can keylogg which is capable of saving and recording your password and other sensitive information. Here are some tips you need to know about viruses and spyware:
- Don’t you ever open a suspicious email attachment or email attachment with the following extension .cmd .com .cpl .crt .exe .hlp .hta .inf .isp ade .adp .asx .bas .bat .chm .vbe .vbs .wsc .wsf .wsh mst .pcd .pif .prf .reg .scf .scr .sct .shb .shs .url .vb .mda .mdb .mde .mdz .msc .msi .msp even if you know the sender of the email. Thou i did not include word and excel documents, You have to be careful with it as they contains harmful macros. Some files that can as well get your computer infected with spyware or viruses is image files formats such as WMF format with JPG and BMP formats. To make sure you avoid such attack always update your Microsoft security patches.
- Never make use of usb drives or floppy disk from an unknown or not trusted source unless you effectively scan with your updates antivirus software.
- Chat and instant messengers can be another place to get hold of viruses and spyware this has a high chance and potentials of compromising your security. While chatting dont just click on any link shared by a friend and reject attachments sent through instant messengers. if you are to use chat messengers, never make use of 3rd party updates or upgrades. if you want to update do it directly of the owners website.
- Avoid installing peer to per programs such as Bear Share, Limewire, WinMX, IMesh, KaZaA, Grokster as this is one of the sure ways of spreading virus on the internet or unless you you want it not just spyware and viruses but hac”ke’rs can access your system.
- This is one of the methods in which people get spywares and virus in their system. While using your system or surfing the internet do not believe or even click on any pop up telling you that virus has been detected on your device.
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