How to take screenshots on android phones without using any software

You just finished all the stages on angry bird , the one your friend boasted about the last time he came to town.

Now you feel like a superhero and wanted to show him you did it,but anyway it aren't that easy you know, no one will believe you expecially Mike
He had issue with that,right from childhood.

What are you going to do now?

let me introduce you to the simplest way of taking a screenshot on your android phone without using any application.

You have an Android phone and you don't know how to
take a screenshot.
While most people know how to take a
screenshot on an iPhone (press the power and
home buttons down at the same time), not
everyone knows how to do the same on Android.
To be fair, though, Android only recently got the
ability to take screenshots without first having to
plug your phone into your computer and running
the Android SDK. If you have a phone running
Android 4.0 or higher, taking screenshots is a

FOLLOW this procedure

To take a screenshot on most Android phones,
press and hold the power and volume down
First, go to the screen that you want to capture
an image of. Once there, press and hold the
power and volume down buttons at the same time
until your screen flashes. Once this happens
you'll get a notification telling you that your
screenshot is being saved. Your screenshot will
appear in your phone's photo gallery app, and
from there you can edit it or share it with
whoever you want.
If you have a Samsung phone, though, you have
to do something slightly different: Instead of
holding down the power and volume down buttons
at the same time, you snap screenshots like you
would on the iPhone and hold down the power
and home buttons instead.
The screen will still
flash like it does on other Android phones and
you'll still get a notification when the screenshot
is saved to your gallery.

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