How To Activate Verve Cards ForOnline Transactions at Nigeria ATMs

Some minutes ago, while surfing the net I came across this topic from a fellow bloggers blog page ogbongeblog. Kudos bro because I once have this issue once.
If you are issued Verve Cards instead of Master card , don't you worry, you can use the card to pay for online transactions only if you have registered it for the
Interswitch safetoken service.
This is a system that generates a 6-8 digit One-Time-Password ( OTP) whenever a transaction is initiated via the Interswitch Web Payment Platform.
Registering for the Safetoken enables you carry out transactions on any Web merchant site that has integrated the Interswitch Payment gateway using a One Time Password (OTP) as a second level authentication process in addition to your Card Number , PIN and CVV2 code .
For you to be able generate OTP for your Verve card whenever you are carrying out a transaction with it, you will first have to register it for the safetoken service.
You can do that at a nearest AT by following the steps below:

How to register using atm

==> At the ATM, insert your Verve card
==> Input your 4-digit PIN and press Enter
==> Select your bank account type EG Savings or Current
==> Select the ‘Quickteller’ option from the ATM menu screen
==> Select ‘Pay Bills ’ from the
Quickteller menu list on the ATM screen
==> Select ‘Others’ for the bill payment menu option list
==> Enter ‘322222 ” as the Biller Code
==> Enter your Phone Number as the
Customer Reference Number and select ‘Proceed’
==> You will get a display “Do you want to make this payment?” Amount Due: N1 .
(DO NOT edit the amount to be paid)
==> Click on “ Pay amount due”
You will then get a confirmation page indicating the registration was successful. That's all.

Thereafter, if you want to pay online with your verve card and you get to a stage where you are prompted to enter an OTP, you will get the OTP via SMS which you
will use to complete your online
Hope this helps?
Comments are highly welcome.

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