How To Share Apk Files (android app files) Via Whatsapp Messenger

Do you know that you can send apk file (android app file) to your friends and families through whatsapp messenger? A lot of people use this simple method to share apk files especially when they are using whatsapp subscription only. The concept is renaming apk to doc and doc to apk then install. Kindly follow the steps below to see how it works.

As a sender of apk file

=> Locate the apk file you want to share to a friends via whatsapp messenger in your sd card

=> Now press the apk file to select and click menu => Rename

=> Now rename apk to Doc and click Done to apply the changes then press OK to confirm

=> Now is time to send the apk file as doc file via whatsapp, long press the renamed file to select the navigate to share menu options and select whatsapp messenger

=> Now choose the person or group you want to share the file with and send it.

=> Then tell the receiver of the file to download it and locate in his/her sd card inside whatsapp forlder under whatsapp documents and rename the file from doc to apk then install it


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