Glo Jollific8: Glo Unveils New Tariff To Beat Competitors

The new Glo Tariff Plan "Jollific8" offers new subscribers 800% more value on all recharge they make on the new Glo sim even #100 recharge. Also as the new subscribers get eightfold benefits includes free internet surfing, free data that can be gifted (shared) to other existing Glo subscribers and bonus to call all networks in Nigeria.

How It Works:

-  On every recharge of #100 and above you get extra #800 + 10MB (50) = #850

-  When you recharge #200 airtime, you will get #1600 + 25MB (100) = #1,700

-  Also recharge of #500 gives you #4000 + + 50MB (200) = #4,200

-  When you recharge #1000 you get #8000 + 100MB (400) = #8,400

-  Finally, recharge of #5000 gives you #40,000 + 500MB (2000) = #42,000

Who Is Eligible?

For now only new subscribers are worthy of the new offer and can do that by obtaining a new Sim, get it registered and recharge by dial *123*recharge pin#... Just do that and go to go.

What Do I Need To Know?

- What is the Glo Jollific8?

Jollific8 is a tariff plan for new customers ONLY on the Glo network which provides the following benefits when the sim is activated:

• Every recharge gives 8 times the value of recharge amount

• Every recharge comes with free voice and data bonus

• Every recharge also comes with free data to gift

What do I have to do to enjoy these Jollific8 benefits?

Just buy a new SIM, register, activate it and you are automatically on the Jollific8 tariff plan. Start recharging and you begin to get 8 times the value of recharge plus free data to gift someone

- How do I opt in for Glo Jollific8 tariff plan and enjoy these benefits?

You cannot opt in to Jolific8 tariff plan. Only New SIMs can enjoy these benefits.

- How do I receive and enjoy the Jollific8 bonus?

Just recharge by dialing *123*PIN# and you will automatically receive 8 times the value of your recharge plus free data to gift someone on the Glo network. Make calls and use data to enjoy these benefits.

-When will Jollific8 bonus be credited into the customer’s account?

Your recharge bonus benefits are credited into the different accounts (shown in the table above) immediately you recharge. You can confirm your bonus balance by dialing #122# and *606#

- How do I check my Jollific8 bonus balance?

By dialing #122# for Voice/data benefits and *606# for data gift benefits

- Do I get notified when my Jollific8 Bonus is exhausted?

Yes, you will receive a notification via SMS

- Can I transfer the Jollific8 benefits to another customer?

Only the Gift Data can be transferred to another customer on the Glo network

- How much do I pay for calls on these packs?

On-net and off-net calls are charged at 67k/s

- When do the packs expire?

Bonus will expire as shown in the table in point 5

- Can I migrate out of Jollific8?

Yes. You can migrate out of Jollific8 by dialing the migration code of your desired profile

- If I migrate out of Jollific8, will I still be able to get 8 times recharge value?

No. Once you migrate out of Jollific8, you will not be able to receive the 8 times bonus on the new tariff plan

- Can I migrate back to Jollific8 after migrating out of the profile?

No. You cannot migrate back to Jollific8 tariff plan once you migrate out of the plan

- What happens to my unused Jollific8 benefits when I migrate out of the plan?

You lose the unused Jollific8 benefits when you migrate out of the tariff plan

- How do I transfer the Gift data?

Dial *606# and follow the prompt to transfer data to any Glo customer

- Can I share the free Data?

No. You cannot share the free data

- Can I gift the free Data?

No. You cannot gift the free data but you can gift the Gift Data

- For how long am I allowed to have the gift data bonus until I decide to use it?

You can have it for as long as 60days

- Where am I charged from when I browse if I have Jollific8 bonus Airtime and I’m currently subscribed to a data plan?

You will be charged first from your data plan before your Jollific8 data bonus account can be charged when you are browsing if you have a data plan

- What can I do with the All Net free airtime?

The ALL NET free airtime can be used to make off-net calls to all local networks.

- Is the Jollific8 tariff plan available for postpaid customers?

No it is not available for postpaid customers

- What happens to my unused bonus after validity period had lapsed?

All unused bonus will be cleared on the day of expiry

- Which account is charged first if I have credit in my Main account?

The bonus accounts are charged first and Main account will be charged when the bonus accounts have been fully depleted or expired

- Can I subscribe to other recharge-based promotions on the network e.g Talk More?

No you can’t

- Can I subscribe to other packs such as Jollof, Biggy or IDD packs while still being subscribed to Jollific8?

Yes you can subscribe to these packs

- Will I get notification when my Jollific8 bonus account is credited?

Yes you will be notified when your bonus accounts are credited

- Is Glo Jollific8 a promotional offer?

No. Jollific8 is a tariff plan

- Is the Easyshare service available on the jollific8 tariff plan?

Yes it is available as you can transfer airtime from your Main account to any glo number

- For how long can I enjoy the benefits of Jollific8?

You enjoy the benefits for as long as you are on the plan.

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