MTN BBM Data Plans: EnjoyBBM for as Low as N25

MTN ng introduced three new BBM data plans some days ago. This newly introduced cost efficient BBM data plans let subscribers enjoy BBM for as low as N25. :-)
If you are the type that love chatting on the Blackberry Messenger, but don’t have enough cash to subscribe for the complete BIS package, these data plans are ok for you.

Airtel was the first to introduce data plans that only work for BBM , but MTN’s package is more cheaper.
MTN BBM data plans cost N350, N100 and N25 for 100MB, 25MB and 5MB respectively.
MTN BBM Data Plans Subscription Codes.
The MTN BBM data plans subscription codes, cost, validity and data caps are available in the image below.

For those who cannot access the image above, the MTN BBM daily, weekly and monthly data plans subscription codes,
price, data cap and validity are available in writing below.
MTN BBM Daily Plan
Subscription code: BBMD to 21600
PRICE: #100.00 naira
Data Cap: 5MB
Validity: 1 Day(24 hours)
MTN BBM Weekly Plan
Subscription code: BBMW to 21600
PRICE: #25.00 naira
Data Cap: 25MB
Validity: 7Days
MTN BBM Monthly Plan
Subscription code: BBMM to 21600
PRICE: #350.00 naira
Data Cap: 100MB
Validity: 30 Days
Hope you are all getting your Paypal account linked to your naira master card?

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